about BriArLy

Hey beautiful soul,

I´m Briarly (pronounced bry-lee.) I am a Visionary, Artist, Designer & Soul Guide supporting personal growth, healing, soul alignment & embodiment. I combine my intuitive & creative gifts to help people align with a higher version of themselves & their realities.

Everything I do supports alignment to the soul and ones true path. I facilitate this through 1:1 sessions, higher self portraits, mentorship, a podcast, in person events & through my design business, Soulegacy Studio.


as an ambitious, creative & mystical woman with big goals & dreams, the 9-5 could only contain this aquarian wild-heart for so long...

After 5 years in the corporate world of Design & Branding, I was left feeling drained, restricted, unfulfilled & completely out of alignment with my soul. I found myself hooked on my addictions & vices, living for the weekends. Until one day I decided to stop escaping my reality & instead, create a new one.

In full devotion to my own healing, I went on an inward journey to address the unhealed emotional wounds that kept me stuck in addiction, self-sabotage & disempowerment.

As I alchemised my pain to power & tapped back into my magic, I aligned with a higher version of myself – setting the foundations to create the business & lifestyle of my dreams.

With continual devotion to my soul´s path, the life I had always dreamed of, became my reality.


To uplift & activate soul´s into their potential to unlock the life of their dreams

My mission is to help others facilitate the same internal changes & spiritual growth that allow us to become the most soul-aligned, powerful & joyous version of ourselves. The one that is tapped into magic & has the courage to go out there and make their dreams a reality.

I tap in intuitively to help identify & eliminate blockages, facilitating healing & deeper connection to one´s soul, path & purpose. I believe it is through connection to the Divine in oneself, life once again carries meaning, purpose, deep fulfillment, magic & wild abundance.

Ready to level up? I can’t wait to help you bring your dreams to life!


let´s Connect:

INSTAGRAM: @briarly_